Daicon 2009, another ACG (AnimeComicGames) event happening at MMU Cyberjaya, Malaysia. This time around this seems a lot more promising with it being handled by Kurogane, also a fellow /AS/ member, and from the looks of it, outside the lack of big budget against events such as the previous AFA08, this one seems to be up for the best event of 2009. As such, i have also applied to being an Affiliated blogger for this event, and with this, expect coming updates for Daicon 2009 along with coverage of it when the time has come.
Category: Events
All conventions, events and happenings
Comic Fiesta 2008 Updates
Ok to you disappointed readers, first off i apologize for the slowking updates. (especially those that were looking forward to the AFA08 day2/updates) Work + World of warcraft = bad for blogging business LOL XD
Slight announcement: sadly DMM will be on this slowpoke pace until im done with my IRL work project which involved me working until night getting home around 10-11pm or even later. And as mentioned, with WoW new season arena opening up, and the slowpoke fact that im still not a 80 like the rest of the kewl kidz, i gotta put in some extra effort in playing catch up with the damn world. Now, i did mention announcement right? thats right – LookingFor WRITERS/CONTRIBUTORS FOR DMM. there you go. If you are interested in blogging but couldnt be bothered to start your own blog, have a passion for otaku’ism or world of warcraft, or better yet, both, DO send me an email/instant message and see if we can work things out 🙂
Fear not, for i have redemption for my slowpoke sins. As some of you may have guessed, thats right! I got invited to be an affiliated blogger for Comic Fiesta 2008, and got a kewl kidz klub – dubbed: KKK media pass! Awesome…right? RIGHT?!
Honestly speaking though, it really isnt much of an update, more so if you do actually visit CF08 official webby. But hey, copy-pasta news is better than no news at all, right?
So here you are, a FLURRY of copy-pastas.
AFA’08 Coverage
“Hell, its about time.” <– i know right? lol. Like, it could’ve been out latest tuesday, but nooooo, tmnut screamyx decided to give me a nice surprise buttsecks, and threw me back to the stoneage. So like, i was stuck with some 2KB/sec uploads that constantly time out, and some filtered out 140ish pictures (just the first day – saturday) or so to upload to the server. Like yeah, not gonna happen.
Anyways off with the rage, more AFA08! So, like the usual eager fanboi packing his stuff for the trip, i magically left out my handphone as i left it to charge. And thanks to some crappy accident, or more specifically, THANK YOU MALAYSIANS for raping the traffic by slowing/stopping down their god damned cars to watch the scene, i never got to turn back to grab it.
ACF’08 Coverage
Hey everyone and once again i welcome you all for yet another late update. (almost 1 week rofl) As ive promissed from the last update, here i bring you, a “minor” ACF’08 update 🙂 Why minor if you may ask? I’ll be honest: i ended up sleeping + lazying till around 5ish pm, and only reach Berjaya Times Square around 6+PM. By the time I’m there, the cosplay competition came to an end with the grand final performance.
Thankfully, the gang at TFM informed me that i havent missed much and the entire event is just so-so. So we just hang out as usual, and even go our own (and mind you, MUCH better) cosplayers thanks to Aiko’s (can visit her blog via the link on the sidebar) friends 😀
As i need to get my EPF statement + prepare for AFA’08, again, i will spare you guys the long essays and start on with the entire gallery load.
AFA’08 + May’N VIP passes another update
Sorry for the belated (almost 1 week! >_<) update for my ticket purchase dear readers XD
But here it is, i shall present you 2 screenshots that will explain everything.
So this is it, it is secured, and i will be getting to meet THE May’N in person, get an autograph from her, and a handshake with my sweaty otaku hands covered with unspeakable white form of liquid as well, along with an exclusive entrance to AFA08, with front row VIP seats during the concert performance. Is the SGD118 worth it? OH HELL YEAH it is.
To Make up for my belated update, I’m gonna treat you guys to more AFA’08 update goodies if you guys haven’t went to their website recently. I will leave out the previous details that i’ve covered on my previous blog post to avoid redundancy, but if you’ve never read my previous post or any details regarding AFA’08, do head to their official website, or my previous blog post.
Latest added attractions aside those from the previously covered ones:
- Dont think this one’s new, but since it wasn’t covered from the previous update, here it is: Cosplay competition! (who didnt see that coming a mile away? :P) 2PM – 3PM on 23rd of November, and it looks like it’ll be a 2 person minimum cosplaying group competition! Let’s not forget that AFA’08 is also FREE entry for those who are cosplaying. Unfortunately it mentioned that you have to register as a cosplayer before 7th of November. So tough luck to those who missed it >_<
- Arcade Showdown competition! Now this one’s pretty interesting, planned for both days (22 and 23 of November) of AFA’08, featuring prize money of 500SGD + 800SGD worth of products for the first place, for THREE types of games – Street Fighter IV, Tekken 6, The King of Fighters 98. Truly a must for any hardcore arcade fans, dont miss out on the registration as it is closing on the 18th of November.
- Shonen Jump World tour! (omg!) To quote: “As part of its 40th anniversary world exhibition tour, AFA08 has been selected to present this exclusive showcase in its final tour destination in Asia, having exhibited in countries such as France, Germany and the USA.” Just, simply amazing, shonen jump world tour destination at AFA’08, in a country just beside mine. To those who are unfamiliar with shonen jump, they are a weekly magazine that hosts/hosted various popular manga series that includes but not limited to: Dragon Ball, Slam Dunk, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, D. Gray-man and many many others.
- Lastly, “The King” Ichirou Mizuki will also be performing at AFA’08! Now I’ll be honest and say that im not too excited about this one, was praying that it was Nana Mizuki(her picture) instead of Ichirou. Eitherway still a “legend”, and its definitely worth checking out. Check the official AFA’08 page as it contains pretty detailed information, or his wiki info here. If im 5-15 years older ill prolly appreciate his apprearence a LOT more than i am right now.
As it stands now, with Japan’s WonFes canceled, AFA’08 is pretty much the biggest thing this 2008 has to offer, and Singapore, a neighbouring country of mine (Malaysia) is the host of it. On one hand one would be cursing why isn’t it happening at Malaysia, on the other, being thankful that it is happening at a country just beside, which automatically cuts down a LOT of the traveling expenses as compared to events in Japan or America/Europe.
Thats it for today. I will be heading to ACF’08 held inside Berjaya Times Square located at Bukit Bintang for the cosplay competition and prior to that exchanging some Malaysian Ringgits into Singapore dollars for the coming AFA’08 this coming weekend. So i *MAY* provide a coverage for ACF’08 if its worth the effort 😛 I also have quite a number of blog drafts waiting to be completed such as the anime review that ive been wanting to finish it for a month’s time pending already T_T so definitely stay tuned to DMM 🙂
AFA’08 May’N VIP passes update
Less than 30minutes till’ the final showdown! Will i make it for the final cut of securing my May’N AFA’08 Diamond VIP pass? We shall find out soon enough!
Until then, i will be staying on full alert awaiting for the final judgement, listening to my favorite anime tracks, and even those from the much anticipated “Galactic Fairy” herself.
Stay tuned for an update to see if i get the pass or not! 😀
I dont know what is worse. Trying to order the ticket, or waiting for the confirmation of your order.
Anyways, the order has been made, so… hope for the best now! Anxiety levels at an all time high, with a newly added frustration and rage mixture after having a call from work to head over to open some stupid door, and to top it all off, uncontrollable crankiness from an all night camp out for the ticket. /triestocalmthefuckdown