Due to some error from my ISP, my Internet connection was down from friday afternoon (local time, GMT+1) until I could get a hold of their support this morning. Apparently they had done something to their DHCP server, so some customers weren’t able to renew the IP lease. I have static IP, but it still has to verify every two days which it couldn’t, so it assigned a null address and all connectivity was lost.
Category: Site News
DMM news
Server connection stability
Recently there has been quite frequent drops of connection to my server due to a poor quality router provided by my ISP. Today I got a call back from one of their technicians who told me that if I wanted to attach my own router, they would reload my connection to allow it to access their systems.
Well, it worked instantly and the connection was faster and more responsive than ever, but it caused my IP address to change so the DNS had to be changed, causing a bit of delay for this site to be available. I pointed ports to my new server and had to leave for work. Sadly I was in too much of a hurry as I failed to notice the ports were also routed to my old server, so some of you may have gotten a weird login page.
Anyway, quick fix once I got home and all runs smoothly and this router is rock solid and doesn’t crash every day 🙂 Hope it gives a better experience on this site.
Figurine galleries are now UP! (part 1)
Ok guys, finally i have done setting up the gallery pages for your viewing pleasure. They are basically recycled images from my previous photoshootings which i have posted on TFM (The Figure Mall) so if you have been a TFM customer or are active within its figurine community, you probably already seen them. Nonetheless it will be featured on this blog site as it is also a main coverage of this blog.
Without further delays, i present you Yoko Ritona from TTGL (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
and Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo):
Note: Click the above images to enter their respective gallery. And as for enma ai, ive featured a cameo who is our LEGENDARY MANKOTO. In case you’re wondering: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_Days_(visual_novel)
Death Meets Moe is UP!
Hello world!
Ok, kinda lame for a start, almost something out of  a programming course text book. But anyways, Death Meets Moe, short for DMM, is finally up and running, been through many trials and error, lots of lulz, lots of QQs, and a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears! Maybe not blood… maybe! Ok ok, i so ripped that off… probably starcraft? Who knows and who cares?
Many MANY thanks goes to Aphexdk (Jesper) for helping me out on this site, which is also hosted by him including its FTP (that i’ve been using for many many long years) be it the initial setting up, debuggings, and almost all the configurations… and lets not forget! our AWESOMELY FABULOUS- *sprinkles some fabulous flowers* DMM Header! Which not to mention, is wide screen 1680 compatible, and standard 1024 non-wide compatible too!
Special thanks also goes to the folks at TFM (The Figure Mall) for their help, feedback, and inspiration to even begin with this blog 🙂
In closing, to celebrate DMM’s grand opening, i present you, some ass kicking to our hated alliance carebears! I mean, what could get any better than to enjoy upon the misery of others?Â
HQ full resolution links:
P/S: Above pics were taken late september/early october prior to patch 3.0, in before bitching at the perfect 0 death scores. And if anyone gonna comment on the FPS, i was using my geforce 7200GS while my 8800UltraSC is still RMA in the USA.