18th October, the anniversary for Death Meets Moe website. I am guessing that many have been waiting for this post? I’ve noticed a huge traffic surge and F5’s on the statistics page XD Anyways sorry for the late post as usual, but hey, at least I’ve made it heh. The website has been through a lot during the whole 1 year, and accumulating almost 30k unique visits in total, with an average of 100-200 uniques per day. This would not have happened without you guys that visit to this site. Much thanks to you all 🙂
Honestly, i don’t even know what to write up for this post, my writing skills have obviously gone down the drain with the recent inactivity on my postings(not implying I’m a great writer to begin with anyways XD). So i guess I’ll keep this short and simple – again, Many thanks to everyone that’s been around with me, the site. Special mentions/thanks to the people from Thefiguremall.com, and Dannychoo.com. To those I’ve forgotten to mention, apologies on missing you out, rest assured that i am grateful for you as well.
Fun facts:
- Quazacolt | October 18, 2009 | 11:59:49 <– i was 11 seconds on failing this post oTL
- My little sister’s birthday is on the exact date/day of my blog post. So yeah sorta had cake and all (i know right? inb4cake is a lie)
- Yes, she commented on my site before 😉