Hi again everyone, apologies for the lack of updates to the blog recently. However fear not, for i am bringing you an update (though a tad bit belated, especially if you’ve been following AFA08 news and updates) that would definitely interest you should you be going to see May’N on this coming AFA08 at Singapore.
Mixed feelin- i mean, raged and despair being the major emotion thats being stirred, head over to the AFA08 May’N concert ticketing details page: AFA 08 May’N Ticketing (that includes a short video of her saying hi for you to fa- i mean, drool at)
If its TLDR for you, again, fear not, as i will be providing you with a summary of the update (though you have to excuse my horrible photoshop scribbling out of rage) right here:
Event time/date: Sunday, 23rd November 2008, 7pm
Vip passes: Yes!
Layout of concert:

T&C uptight shit for the event:
– This ticket admits one person to AFA08 for two [2] days – both Saturday 22 November 08 AND Sunday 23 November 08
– This ticket admits one person to designated VIP area for the May’N concert on Sunday 23 November 2008.
– All sales are final and no refunds will be entertained.
– Entry will be refused if tickets have not been purchased from the organizer. <– lolwut pirated tickets?
– The Ticket Holder voluntarily assumes all risk and danger incidental to the event whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual concert, including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or liability. <– soo, if May’N decided to pull an euphemia at us, we’re screwed while shes innocent? lulz
– Singapore law shall govern the sale of all tickets and all Ticket Holders agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
– Strictly no photography, audio and video recording is allowed during May’n Live Performance. <– So no one to capture that glamorous moment of me shaking hands with May’N should i manage to acquire the diamond VIP pass? NOES! (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
– The organizer’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
– Details mentioned above are confirmed as of now, however the organizers of AFA08 reserve the right to update the situation should there be changes in planning and schedules.
On the bright side guys, the concert ticket for everyone else is still the same AFA08 entrance fee (consider it “free”? lol) , so its not all that bad. As for myself, i will definitely try to get the diamond vip pass to secure an autograph. I mean, i have already gone as far as to buy the original singles from her, might as well go all the way and get the autograph as well 😀
Until then, see you till the next update (i have 2-3 updates drafted, havent finalized them for publishing XD)