Heh 1 week of lagging before i get to post this up. Ill put up a later post to give you an insight on all the lagging, however for now, we’ll focus a lil’ on last week’s VGL – just simply awesome! Almost a week has passed since VGL 2010 at KL Malaysia, yet the memories of it is still very fresh making it seemed as if it just happened yesterday. With your childhood gaming memories being evoked altogether while you indulge within a live Orchestra being performed, it’s no wonder VGL being a success over a long 5 years since its debut at the Hollywood Bowl on July 6 2005.
Tag: Video Games Live
Video Games Live… IN MALAYSIA
Whoopsie, long time no post! Been really tied up at work recently, and even my WoW play time is basically reduced to weekends. Much sadness D: Hell, i even just had a 2 weeks straight of overtimes. (at least i still get to have my weekends, i guess lol) Oh well, at least the money would be worth it.
Looking back on the initial draft date, it dates back to 5th of February, wow, 2 months of lagging for this post to come out rofl. Even the VGL inquiry email was dated on March 14. /endrants
Anyways, It is just less than 2 days till Video Games Live for Malaysian Music/Orchestra/Gaming fans, so here’s an informational post regarding the event.