As the above picture shown, as well as my armory link here:
Yeap, I have downed Obsidian Sanctum 25 man Sartharion + 2 Drakes, in a PUG! Yes i know this is World of Casualcraft and yes i know OS + drakes are EZmode and No i don’t care what you think. All started from a “do it for the lulz” initiative after seeing Trade channel LFM people for OS + 2 drakes. I thought: “lol pug + drakes? probably gonna be a wipefest”. But since i was rather curious and a little bit bored, i gave it a shot anyways.
Like damn, after ventrilo explanation by the Raid leader, and given like 3 ish wipes, we managed to down it and wow, dare-i-say it was EASY! LOL!. Believe it or not, it is a COMPLETE PUG organized by 6-7 core members of a raiding guild that farm Naxxramas. About 3-4 people don’t even know the strategy (including me) and about 10-15? not having the 2 drakes achievement, or never even done 2 drakes at all. (including me) Another surprise? im like 5th or 6th on Damage meters having like 2 blue trinkets still, and quite a number of PVP gears.
Speaking of PVP, another achievement i have done sometime around March while digging through screenshots – 20 kills 0 death in a single battleground.
To make it even better? Look at the 1337 honor gain, as well as the 5 cap map. Much THANKS to Nebb, Axumx, Cellix for group queue’ing with me for that game. Couldn’t have done it without you guys 🙂
assignment done d…. can spam now!! /gg
Kiddokid’s last blog post…Zetsuboushita!!!
@Kiddokid: OTL, goto bed already or something lol
dun wan…. the red bull effect still havent go off ==”